Conversion Series – Part 3: Why D&M Restoration Never Hit Its Online Potential but….

D&M Restoration was a fascinating place—a workshop where vintage car parts got a new lease on life. The website showed the craftsmanship, but most conversions happened over the phone, not online.

It wasn’t a failure—just a choice. The owner preferred advertising in niche magazines, where classic car enthusiasts found him. He understood his audience, and while digital could have done more, it wasn’t his focus. And that’s valid. Every business owner has to choose where to invest their time and money.

If I were advising a business like D&M today, I’d suggest using the website to complement, not replace, what already works. An SEO strategy targeting vintage car parts, paired with simple service pages and a contact form, could have made those magazine readers more likely to convert once they visited the site.

That’s the beauty of website optimization—it’s not about changing what works but enhancing it.

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